Apiary - Yet Another Sinatra Style Web Framework

Yuji Yamamoto


This slide was planned to be used for the Lightning Talk of LambdaConf 2015.
But I missed the chance.😞

Nice to meet you!

Which is your favorite?

How about Apiary?


[capture|/api/hello/|] $ do
  method GET . document "get hello" . action $ do
    contentType "application/json"
    bytes "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"

  method POST .
    ([key|name|] =: pMaybe pString) .
    document "say hello to +name+" .
    accept "text/plain" .
    action $ d 
      n <- param [key|name|]
      bytes "Hello, " <> n

So, what’s the difference?

Compared to Scotty:

So, what’s the difference?

Compared to Spock:

So, what’s the difference?

Compared to Servant:

